Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bread Plate and Glass - An Easy Way to Remember

So many times the question comes up at a lunch or dinner party....."which plate is mine?" Most people are referring to the bread and butter plate. That small plate causes so much trouble. The easiest way to remember is the bread and butter plate is always on your left AND your left index finger and thumb forms a letter b (lower case). The right hand forms the letter d referring to drink. So the left side of the place setting has the b (bread and butter) and the right side has the d (drink).

When someone seated next to you is using the wrong plate, there is no need to say anything to that person, just place your bread on you own entree plate. There is no need to embarrass your partner at the table by mentioning their mistake.

Always remember to place all four fingers and thumb on the glass when drinking. Take small sips with the lips near closed and replace the glass to the place setting. Don't have the little fingers up in the air when holding a glass.

Children need a lot of help with suggestions from parents or older people about drinking from a glass. Remind the children to hold the glass properly and securely and to keep their mouth almost closed while drinking from the glass. Make sure to remind children to swallow all the food in their mouth before taking a drink from the glass or cup.

Meals with friends and family are very important and we must remember that: It's always Time for Manners.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Merlin Manners and Three Year Olds

Time for Manners LLC has been told many times how the very young children love Merlin Manners. He is our main character in the Time for Manners video series. He was developed by B.K. Taylor, a well known artist in the Detroit area. We wanted a fun-looking character with personality to match. Since it is "Always Time for Manners" we decided he should be part clock, part lovable and part just funny-looking. B.K. also became the voice to Merlin in all three videos. Even now when I phone B.K. I get a smile on my face because at times I feel I'm speaking to Merlin!! Merlin is happy and always teaching manners in a way that is fun so that children don't even know they are learning important lessons in life.

I think teaching children life's lesson early on in life help to instill the messages that can, if re-enforced, last a lifetime.

Remember what Merlin Manners says: It's Always Time for Manners!