Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Age 3-4-5..They can help too!

By Age 3:
Meal time can be a wonderful time for the family to gather and to learn about what the members of the family have done for the day. By age 3 little ones should stay seated and join in with the conversation during the meal time. They should also be able to use dining utensils with ease. Be sure to ask questions and ask opinions of the young members of the family so they can feel included.

By Age 4:
This is a good time to start chores around the house. Some families use a chart with award stars or special privileges can be awarded for completion of jobs suitable for a child. They could empty wastebaskets, straighten out the playroom or fold towels. Be sure to lay a foundation and begin to build on it.

By Age 5:
By this age children can learn to set the table for a meal and help clear the table as well. The whole dining experience has to be practiced in order for the children to feel comfortable and do the chore easily. Little ones love to be praised and they will feel more involved with the family unit.

Take time to teach children to help with family chores and remember, It's Always Time for Manners!