Friday, August 13, 2010

Nice and Neat in Restaurants

Any child can be taught to eat neatly in a restaurant, but they must be taught. Moms could bring a bib and the child's own dish and cup. This way there is a familiarity that makes children feel comfortable. I never like to see children eat off a tray without a proper bowl or dish. Children will learn to keep food on the tray more easily and not let it drop all over the floor when they are familiar with the dish ware. I know I don't like eating my meal next to children at a restaurant that have made a mess of the floor and the food is spread all over the table or tray.

Children as young as 3 can use small utensils and be praised for eating like a "big person". It is always hard for kids to use the restaurant's utensils so bringing a baggie with the child's own spoon or fork can make for a much nicer meal. Children want to learn the proper way to eat and to begin teaching children at a young age can only instill the action that will become second nature.

Proper use of the napkin is essential and can help with keeping clean while eating the meal.

Children learn by example and if everyone in the family cooperates with practicing good dining habits then everyone will have a wonderful family dining experience.

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