Friday, November 11, 2011

Let's Talk Turkey

Thanksgiving is coming and now is the time to work on table manners with the family.  Although every meal should be consider a special occasion, Thanksgiving is the holiday that friends and family come together and sit at the table for the traditional meal.

Review the basic table manners such as coming to the table when called, hands washed, hair combed and everyone dressed neatly and with respect.  Mealtime helps the family reconnect with news or events of the day.  Everyone should listen with interest and pay attention to feelings of any member of the family as they speak.    Young children, teens or guests want to feel welcome and part of a mealtime celebration.

One of the most important times at dinner is when everyone comes to the table and sits down.  The napkin goes on the lap and the family waits for a blessing to be said.  In some homes maybe this doesn't happen but always wait and take the signal from the head of the family when to eat.  It is always polite to wait until the mother or grandmother lifts her fork to start eating.   That is the time for everyone else to begin enjoying their meal.

Remember, It's Always Time for Manners!

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